Mickey Patel (1941–1994) was an Indian cartoonist and illustrator OF books and magazines, as well as a painter and designer. He was born in 1941 in Lahore, which is now part of Pakistan and studied economics at St. Stephen's College, Delhi. In a tribute to Mickey Patel in Outlook magazine, Shobhita Punjia wrote that Mickey "only made it to evening art classes, but was soon drawing cartoons for Shankar's Weekly and Yojana, later trying to make a living by working with advertising firms — Lintas, Thompson, ASP and Clarion". According to Punjia, besides the illustrations he was best known for, Patel also worked as a visualiser and animated film-maker. His work was shown in international exhibitions and he won many awards, including the Noma Concours awarded by UNESCO for picture book illustrations, which he was nominated for three times (1978, 1984, 1986).