Amager Boldspil-Union, shortened to ABU, was a subregional governing body for men's association football on the island of Amager, Denmark. The Amager Football Association governed the league and cup tournaments for the official championship of Amager, known as ABUs Amager-Turnering (or Amagermesterskabsturneringen) and ABUs Pokalturnering (or Amagerpokalturneringen) since its inception in March 1912. In 1916, the association's clubs formed the regional Københavns Forstadsklubbers Boldspil-Union (KFBU). Representative teams, either composed of individual clubs and a selection of players from several teams, referred to as Amager, competed in KFBU tournaments (referred to as Bydelsturneringen) or in exhibition matches against other representative teams and clubs. The subregional football association published a member's magazine known as Unionsbladet, which evolved into the KFBU magazine known as Fodboldbladet.