White Trash · 26L · American English slur for poor white people
Bright young things · 11L · London-based group of young aristocrats and socialites in the 20th century
Clique · 3L · group of people who interact with each other and share similar interests
Nouveau riche · 12L · wealthy person whose fortunes are newly acquired, and who is therefore perceived to lack the refinement of those who were raised wealthy
Gens · 5L · a type of clan division that existed in ancient Rome, signified by a persons nomen
Patrician (post-Roman Europe) · 7L · post-Roman European social class; a formally defined class of governing upper classes found in metropolitan areas (Venice, Florence, Genoa, Amalfi) and Free cities of Germany (Nuremberg, Ravensburg, Augsburg, Konstanz, Lindau, Bern, Basel, Zurich)
Beatnik · 18L · media stereotype based on characteristics of the Beat Generation